We made soda bread the other day, mainly to up our intake of bicarb soda! It binds well with phosphate which then flushes out of our bodies. Apparently with so much of our food grown these days using superphosphate we’ve usually got an overload of phosphate in our systems and it’s not great for you. Another great reason to enjoy home-grown organic food!

The bread came out smelling like scones, mmmmmm. Stayed fresh for the three days it took us to eat it, and was light and moist but dense enough to be filling. We used home-made yoghurt instead of buttermilk (not having a house cow – o! the bliss of having a house cow!):
2 2/3 cups wholemeal flour
2 1/2 cups plain flour
1 tsp salt
1 tsp bicarb soda
2 ¾ cups buttermilk
Knead til smooth, roll into a ball 20cm in diameter, then place on a greased tray and cut 1cm deep slashes in the top. Brush with milk, and bake in moderate oven for 50 mins. Enjoy!
Not as wonderfully delicious as sourdough, but quick and easy and avoids commercial yeasts.
Ooh, great recipe - will try. I am always on the hunt for bread recipes. Your young man looks like he approves. Thanks so much for listing me in your 'blogs to inspire' - I couldn't believe it was me - until I clicked! So that is how I found the link doesn't work! Not sure why - but thankyou - you made my day - bread recipe and encouragement!
ReplyDeleteOoo, better fix it up! I'm still getting the hang of all this blogging technology, I think I get things half right and then run off to do something with Ro. I really enjoy your blog! I like having my favourite ones on the side to easily click to and read myself, ha ha! I know I'm meant to be doing it in reader or something....
ReplyDeleteI just started you bread and checked back to see that it was 1 tsp not 1 tbsp of soda - here's fingers crossed for me! We are breaking the bread at tonights bonfire by the dam so I'll let you know how it goes...